This was our initial meeting. Eyeruse and Erymais came right in and gave us both hugs. We were thankful for great friends that captured it on camera and video.
After they met us we introduced them to their siblings back home. We showed them pictures of Reece, Cameron, and Clay and they said, "sister, brother".
Eyeruse wanted to take a picture of the whole family. I love this girl!
Erymais was so proud of the bracelet that we gave him and that his brothers are wearing back home.
I wish I could show all the pictures from this photo shoot. One of our favorite moments of the trip was when we went to the rooftop balcony of the transition home with our children and all their friends. They had the best time taking pictures of us and each other with our cameras and phones. They lined themselves up and posed with their friends for a photo shoot as well. We loved getting to know the older kids at the transition home. There are pretty awesome! The other couple with us is Andy and Renee, who are from Louisville and who have adopted Solomon, one of our children's friends. We were so thankful to meet them and share our time and experiences with them in Ethiopia. We had court on the same day and hope we can travel together for Embassy.
This is a map of America in the Transition Home. Our kids know where they are going and are very excited to come to America. We are fortunate that many of the older kids will be moving to Kentucky as well. They will continue their Ethiopian friendships in their new homes. God is good!