In addition to home renovations, evidence that this adoption really is happening is that the Preliminary Court Hearing (PH) is scheduled for tomorrow, June 3rd. After this takes place the judge will assign a court date for us to attend. We have been told that this date is typically 4-6 weeks after the first court hearing. We have also gathered that most people receive this date 1-2 weeks after the PH. So we hope to hear in a couple weeks that we will be traveling to Ethiopia very soon! Like my dear friend told me, I better get ready, because this IS happening.
We appreciate your prayers for a smooth and "typical" process. We are reminded that we have no control over what happens in court tomorrow or for the rest of this process. But we know without a doubt that God led us here and he will carry us and our future children through it all.
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him and he will make your path straight." Proverbs 3:5,6
The room is looking great, Julie! Hopefully it won't be too much longer until you are going back to bring your kiddos home, I'm sure you are all busting at the seams with excitement...and love!